Co Wicklow, August 2018
Camping is always a great idea, but it never really delivers.
It sounds cool, camping out under the stars. But then you have to change in a tent, wait for a shower (if you're on a proper site) and hope nothing leaks.
And waking up hungover is never a good thing.
Anyway, we went camping.
After we realised we forgot pegs, then borrowed pegs and a mallet, we went out for a walk.

The following day, we went to Lough Tay, where they shoot some of Vikings. It's private property, so we just hiked around the mountains and looked down.
I couldn't choose my favourites, so there are a lot of photos here.
We moved on a little higher for even better views of Wicklow

The next day brought a walk up the Sugar Loaf. Lotta climbing involved.